Photo taken on March 13, 2018 shows the headquarters of the People's Bank of China. (Xinhua/Cai Yang) BEIJING, May 28 (Xinhua) -- Short-term fluctuation of the Chinese yuan's exchange rate is normal, but in the long run, China's sound economic fundamentals determine that the yuan will not see continuous depreciation, a central bank official said. "Speculation by shorting the yuan will surely lead to a huge loss," Guo Shuqing, Party chief of the People's Bank of China and chairman of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, said in an interview with Xinhua. China remains the largest engine of world economic growth, and owns a large market and huge growth potential, Guo said. "As the quality of economic development improves, the yuan's exchange rate will continue to move closer to the purchasing power parity." The Chinese government has won extensive international recognition for its efforts over the past few years to strike a balance between the yuan rate's flexibility and stability, Guo said. Over the past more than 10 years, all cases of the relatively substantial devaluation of the yuan have stemmed basically from external reasons, he said. The latest case came in May, when the offshore rate of the yuan against the U.S. dollar depreciated up to about 3 percent, "entirely due to the U.S. moves that escalated economic and trade frictions, which in turn affected market sentiment," Guo said. "Despite the recent fluctuation in the forex market, there has been no panic among Chinese companies and people," Guo said. Besides the forex market, China's stock and bond markets have also "remained relatively stable" so far this year, Guo said. The country's financial sector has been stable and the risks have been held within control over the past years, partly due to moves to deepen reform and open wider to the outside world, improve corporate governance, and forestall and defuse financial risks in key areas, he added. Besides the opening-up of banking and insurance sectors, China will also open the securities and fund sectors following its existing schedule, Guo said. He added that the financial market's opening-up should always stay in line with the country's risk control capability, and special attention should be paid to prevent large-scale inflows and outflows of short-term cross-border capital. China welcomes foreign institutions with good market reputation and credit records, which have expertise in areas such as risk control, credit rating, wealth management and pension insurance, to "enter China, enrich market entities, innovate financial products and stimulate market vitality," Guo said. Enditem"/>

[올댓차이나] 中, MLF 담보 요건 인하…"자산기근 완화" 기대

기사등록 2024/07/23 22:59:55

최종수정 2024/07/23 23:42:52

[서울=뉴시스]이재준 기자 = 중국인민은행이 중기 유동성 지원창구(MLF)의 융자 담보 요건을 낮추면서 채권시장의 '자산기근(資産荒 우량자산 감소)' 상황이 완화할 전망이라고 증권시보(證券時報)와 홍콩경제일보 등이 23일 보도했다.

매체에 따르면 인민은행은 전날 거래 가능한 채권의 규모를 확대하기 위해 MLF 담보조건을 인하한다고 발표했다.

인민은행은 채권시장의 수급 압박을 풀고자 MLF 담보를 단계적으로 감면하는 걸 신청할 수 있도록 하겠다고 밝혔다.

요건 인하는 중국 국채시장이 기록적인 상승세를 이어감에 따라 중앙은행이 거듭 경고하고 금리인하에 제동을 걸어 시장의 거품을 막는 조치를 마련하는 중에 나왔다.

MLF 잔액은 현 시점에 7조 위안(약 1331조2600억원)을 넘어섰으며 담보 대부분은 국채와 지방채이다.

증권시보는 인민은행 당국자를 인용해 요건 완화로 금융기관이 장기채 재고 매각에 들어가면 채권이 대량으로 방출, 채권시장에서 '자산기근' 압력이 효과적으로 경감된다고 지적했다.

올해 들어 인민은행은 공개적으로 국채 차입 조작, MLF 담보 단계적 감면 등 채권시장에 대한 행동에 나섰다.

이는 정상적인 수익률 곡선을 유지하고 채권시장의 리스크를 시정하겠다는 인민은행의 확고한 의지를 반영한다고 매체는 지적했다.

현지 이코노미스트는 인민은행이 유동성을 적정하고 풍부하게 유지한다는 스탠스가 바뀌지 않았다며 단기금융 시장과 채권시장을 완전히 파악하고 다양한 금융정책 도구를 종합적으로 사용해 단기시장 금리를 안정적인 운영할 수 있는 능력이 있다고 평가했다.

◎공감언론 뉴시스 [email protected]
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[올댓차이나] 中, MLF 담보 요건 인하…"자산기근 완화" 기대

기사등록 2024/07/23 22:59:55 최초수정 2024/07/23 23:42:52

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